SunshineCTF2021 Writeup


Both Alice and Bob share the same modulus, but with different exponents. If only there was some way I could recover this message that was sent to both of them.


import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

data = {'n': 86683300105327745365439507825347702001838360528840593828044782382505346188827666308497121206572195142485091411381691608302239467720308057846966586611038898446400292056901615985225826651071775239736355509302701234225559345175968513640372874437860580877571155199027883755959442408968543666251138423852242301639, 'e1': 11048796690938982746152432997911442334648615616780223415034610235310401058533076125720945559697433984697892923155680783661955179131565701195219010273246901, 'e2': 9324711814017970310132549903114153787960184299541815910528651555672096706340659762220635996774790303001176856753572297256560097670723015243180488972016453,
        'c1': 84855521319828020020448068809384113135703375013574055636013459151984904926013060168559438932572351720988574536405041219757650609586761217385808427001020204262032305874206933548737826840501447182203920238204769775531537454607204301478815830436609423437869412027820433923450056939361510843151320837485348066171, 'c2': 54197787252581595971205193568331257218605603041941882795362450109513512664722304194032130716452909927265994263753090021761991044436678485565631063700887091405932490789561882081600940995910094939803525325448032287989826156888870845730794445212288211194966299181587885508098448750830074946100105532032186340554}
n = data['n']
e1 = data['e1']
e2 = data['e2']
message1 = data['c1']
message2 = data['c2']

# s & t
gcd, s, t = gmpy2.gcdext(e1, e2)
if s < 0:
    s = -s
    message1 = gmpy2.invert(message1, n)
if t < 0:
    t = -t
    message2 = gmpy2.invert(message2, n)
plain = gmpy2.powmod(message1, s, n) * gmpy2.powmod(message2, t, n) % n



I mentioned to a friend of mine from Australia that I like the Game Boy Advance. Apparantly, they had a mysterious cartridge they found at a Men At Work concert, and they figured to send it me to figure out what's on it.

However, I have no clue why it keeps referencing a "flag." I ripped it already, but I can't figure out what it's about. Can you help me crack this code?



点击Tools->Map Viewer,勾选Stretch to fit,即可以在Map的底部看到flag




I may have procrastinated security for I may have been watching too many Tom Cruise movies instead of releasing this... uh... last year.

But don't worry! The keys to the kingdom are split into three parts... you'll never find them all!

Flag will be given by our backend in the standard sun{} format, but make sure you put all the pieces together!

  1. Part One
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!I'm super secure, and can use all python! I just use `eval()` on your data and then whamo, python does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!

Give me an equation please!


  1. Part Two
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!Due to technical difficulties with the last challenge, I've upped my ante! Now I know it's secure!I'm super secure, and can use most python math! I just use `eval(client_input, \{\}, safe_math_functions)` on your data and then whamo, python does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!
Halt in the name of the law!
What was the ./key found in the previous challenge?

eval(client_input, {}, safe_math_functions),使用__builtins__['open']('key', 'r').read()得到flag的第二部分_safe_

  1. Part Three
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!Due to technical difficulties with the previous set, I had to remove math lib support! In fact the only thing this can do is add and subtract now!... I think. Google tells me that it's secure now! Well the second result anyhow.I'm super secure, and can use a bit of python math! I just use `eval(client_input, {'__builtins__':\{\}})` on your data and then whamo, python does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!
Halt in the name of the law!
What was the ./key found in the previous challenge?

eval(client_input, {'__builtins__':{}}),使用

[x for x in ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__() if x.__name__ =="catch_warnings"][0]()._module.__builtins__['open']('key', 'r').read()




